Magic Cabin

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Who are you anyway?

It never occurred to me that people out there would want to know who I am, what I do, or anything else about my personal life. And it's kind of weird to put myself out there like that, but anyway, here goes.

I'm Tori. Hi! I'm in my early 30s and am a Sagittarius. Except for grad school, I attended private Christian schools in Texas almost my whole life. That's how Jesus came to be my hero and I take Him with me wherever I go. I majored in Psychology in college, minored in Philosophy, almost got enough credits to minor in Theology and I have a master's degree in Family Therapy. I did a little time in a PhD program till my daughter was born. Then I dropped out. I'll go back, not there, but somewhere. I took photography in undergrad my senior year because I thought it was a blow off. It was fun but it was hard work. I want to have a dark room in my house one day.

My husband is an artist. I met him online and we've been together since 2001. He's my best friend. He had two kids when I met him and they live with us. It's hard sometimes but we love them all so much. My mom and daddy are the best. We visit once or twice a month. They're only 30 minutes away, but still. I'd visit them every weekend if I could. I want to have lots and lots more children. I have one sister. I hope she will have lots of children too. I have a couple close friends and a lot of acquaintances. I like it that way. My husband and I have our own business and we both work from home. It's nice to be together all the time. Even he says so. No, really. You can ask him. Together we have a lot of business ideas and hope to do most of them. Or find people who can.

I love music of all kinds. I love Vietnamese and Thai food. Chinese food too. (The American versions mostly but I would love to try it for real.) I love Asian culture and need to be around it more. I don't watch much television but when I do it's usually on Bravo or VH1. Celebreality TV is for me. I love documentaries, museums, picnics. I like to travel and would like to do overseas mission work with my church one day. I'm currently working on getting the plastic out of my home (toys, containers) and being a better wife, mother, and friend.

This blog is my retail therapy. I'm not able to shop like I want right now so I just pass all my great finds on to my friends! Hope you like!

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