Magic Cabin

Friday, September 14, 2007

Summer Shopping in September? Of course!

Who doesn't love a sale? Especially when it's on the expensive top-brand items I've been drooling over but am too frugal to buy at full price. That's why I buy my girl's clothes for next summer between September and October (sometimes in November too but the pickins are real slim by then). Take Tea Collection for example. They have tons of stuff ON SALE right now in all sizes for Zoë or your own lil' punkin to wear next year.

I'd probably start by getting this and this. Not only are they super cute-chic, she'll be able to wear them next winter over some $5 long-sleeve Ts that we usually find at Target and Old Navy.

And since she usually prefers to wear dresses anyway (we'll see how long that lasts), I'd definitely throw in one (or, dare I say, two) of these. They're just over $30 now and I'm sure they'll be going down even more as the weeks go by. Paired with a denim jacket and some leggings, we'll get alot of winter mileage out of them too.

I always like to sale-splurge on a few unique, eye-catching, top-brand pieces and then make up the rest of Zoë's wardrobe with basics from Target, Old Navy, Gap, and Babystyle. This winter, I'm on the hunt for some gauchos in size 3T. If you find them first, let me know.

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