Magic Cabin

Thursday, November 1, 2007

counting my blessings

In my bloggeriffic little world (aka the blogosphere), there's this thing called NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) that I've been sucked into. So far, I haven't managed to post every single day, but now I resolve to do it. NaBlo's challenge to it's members is to post *every*single*day. That's it. (As if it were so simple.) Often, I am at a loss for words. And even more, at a loss for time. So, to make it easy for myself and as bit of my own intervention personal therapy, I will post on a theme we all should keep foremost in our minds each day.

Counting my blessings. Everyday for the month of November I will write a post about something for which I am grateful -- short, long, one-word, haiku, whatever I can squeeze out of my harried mind. I'd love it if you too left your own comment about what you are thankful for.

So, here goes.

Today, I am thankful for my husband (who had the house spotless when I got home today... Nice!).

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