Magic Cabin

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

breakfast for (little) champions

Christmas Craft Try #2

Now that I have all this felt leftover from last night's project, I'm on a mission to make some play food! After consulting numerous webpages all across the world, I'm now armed with my own homemade patterns and some fabric scissors. All I need is the right thread and I think I'll be on my way. Take a look at these awesome sites I ran across today. They are my inspiration!

felt food pictured is from no assembly required's Etsy store

A Different Kind of Odd by Lanna
Etsy's wonderful assortment of crafty folks
this Japanese site that's going to keep me busy for years

There's crocheted and knitted food too that I can't help drooling over. My friend Steph over at Adventures in Babywearing and And She Knits is an avid knitter and encouraged me with some good suggestions for how to get started. I also found some patterns for sale at Etsy. That's my project for 2008, to learn to knit and/or crochet a few (albeit, one-dimensional) toys like these here. I've even roped some local mamas into making some toys to donate next Christmas! We'll begin after the new year and I guess I'll be posting here about our progress. I'm so psyched!


LannaM said...

Pssst... you spelled my name wrong. :)

What came in handy for me was a... geez, I want to say compass, but that's not right. It's a gadget I used back in geometry to make perfect circles - one leg has a poke to stay in/on the paper and the other leg has a piece of pencil lead. Anyway, great for making almost perfect egg yolk circles and such.

I just used regular embroidery thread. Cut off about the length I think I need, then divide it in half so it's only 3 of the tiny little strands. Using regular needles, too.

Batting... I just got some stuff I found at Michael's - on crazy Black Friday so I could get everything 25% off. *giggle* I went in with my list and everything. I'm using flat "poly-fil traditional craft batting" for things like bread and pancakes and such because it's basically a giant flat sheet of batting I can cut up, and then "soft touch poly-fil supreme" for the things like strawberries and carrots and egg yolks and such. Basically stuffed animal filling.

LannaM said...

Oh hey, if you figure out how to just balls (like meatballs, apples, tomatoes), you must share. I'm still struggling with how to do those. :)

The Proverbs Wife said...

I like this post. These are so cool and are washable. Great post.
