Magic Cabin

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mama, I want to write!

If you look at my Vision Board hanging on the wall in my office, you will see a cutout pasted to the board that says

Black Women Writers Are Making HERstory
and another, made of letters cut from a newspaper that says
Prophet on Best-Sellers list!
I love to write and loathe it at the same time. It has always been this way, since the days of high school AP English and graduate psychology courses. But I still aspire to "become" a writer and this blog is my current outlet, giving me lots of practice and a great deal of feedback too from readers like you. If you scroll around the blogosphere you'll see plenty of aspiring authors blogging their books, and, at the very least blogging about their books.

My background is in writing for research purposes. I have written on numerous topics from Childhood Precursors of Agreession, to Body Dismorphic Disorder in Males (also known as Bigorexia), and Implicit Racial Attitudes. My best writing usually from researching and writing on a topic of interest. I'm much more challenged when it comes to creative writing, even though one day I want to write children's books. (I once took a Leisure Learning class on how to write children's stories and was barely able to complete assignment #1.) My husband (the entrepreneur) has generously offered to start a book publishing company by then so that shouldn't be an issue. If, however, he's gotten side-tracked by one of his million other business ideas, I may have to check out Author House Book Publishers.

AuthorHouse is the leading self-publishing company in the world since 1997. Publishing a book with AuthorHouse means you'll be guided by author advocates who are serious about writing and publishing. The AuthorCentric Self-Publishing Process can help you reach your book publishing goals. From discounts on color publishing to marketing, they can help aspiring authors along the way.

This is a sponsored post.

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