Magic Cabin

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Goodbye Dear Friend

My dad called Monday to let me know my old friend passed away Sunday afternoon. I'd known him for about 13 years. He came into my life just after the passing of my other dear friend Niko, another schnauzer, my parents' attempt at a replacement friend.

Affectionately known as "Pops" and "Zeke", my friend Zurich had endured alot in his life. I remember the time he got lost and we found out that he had gotten into the neighbor's yard and had been mawled by their dog. And then, just about 2 years ago, he was run over in the driveway and ended up losing one of his back legs. He had endured it all, but yet he was there, spunky and never without a word to say.

Dear Zurich, you will be so, so missed. I'm sorry I didn't love you at first, but I realize now just how much you meant to me.

(Not an actual pic of Zurich, though he looked like that except he had floppy ears. Unfortunately, I don't have any digital photos of him.)

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